Yin Huowang eat what food is good

What does Yin Huowang eat? Yin Huo-wang is mainly characterized by thirsty, depressed, easily angry, and the tongue becomes red, which has an impact on health. So, what is good for Yin Huo Huo Wang? Here are 10 foods for everyone to recommend. Let's take a look.

1, Tremella


Tremella, sweet, light, flat, non-toxic, both the efficacy of spleen appetizers, but also helpful gas clearing the intestines, nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. It can not only enhance human immunity, but also enhance tumor patient tolerance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Tremella is rich in natural vegetable gums, plus it has the effect of nourishing yin. It is a good emollient food that can be taken long-term. Modern studies have found that Tremella contains abundant nutrients such as colloids, multi-vitamins, and 17 kinds of amino acids, Tremella polysaccharides and proteins, and is most commonly used as a supplement food for the people, especially those with lung yin deficiency and stomach yin deficiency. . Moreover, white fungus is rich in vitamin D, can prevent the loss of calcium, very beneficial to the growth and development; due to the rich selenium and other trace elements, it can enhance the body's anti-tumor immunity.


Sweet and sour pear, sour, cold, into the lungs, stomach; with Sheng Jin, Runzao, heat, phlegm, hangover effect; for fever caused by yin deficiency or dry cough, thirst, constipation, etc. Symptoms can also be used for polydipsia, cough, and jaundice caused by internal heat. "Bencao Tongxuan": "Agreed AIDS, the five dirty internal organs." "Chongqing Hall essay": "warm and dry disease, and the yin deficiency of fire and fire, body fluid phlegm, wolfberry juice drink stand."

Not only that, pears can be used for raw food, but also for wine making, pear paste, pear tart, and medicinal. Such as pear fruit hot cough, slice paste treatment of fire injury; wolfberry juice, lungs cool heart, anti-hemorrhoids, alcohol poisoning. Pear can go to the surface black acne; pear leaves decoction, wind treatment and children cold, bark can be in addition to the end of gas cough inverse embolism.

3, duck

Duck is a good place to eat on the table, and it is also an excellent food for people. The nutritional value of duck meat is similar to that of chicken. However, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, ducks eat mostly aquatic organisms, so their meat is sweet and cold, and they enter the stomach, kidney and meridians of the lungs. They have nourishing, nourishing the stomach, nourishing the kidney, removing steam, burning bones, eliminating edema, and stopping phlegm. , cough and phlegm and other effects. People who have hot body are suitable for duck meat, physical weakness, loss of appetite, fever, dry stool and edema of people who eat more beneficial. According to folk legend, duck is a "sacrifice" for tuberculosis patients. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: Duck meat "Daibu Duraim, the most heat disinfection, Lee urine, in addition to edema, eliminate fullness, good organs, out of sores, epileptic seizures."

4, Mulberry

Mulberry has the function of nourishing yin and boosting blood, and it can best fill the yin of liver and kidney. "Ben Cao Shu": "Wuyi Yiyi Yin will benefit Yinxue." "Ben Cao Jing Shu": "For the blood tonic and yin medicine," also said that "diabetes due to internal heat, fluid deficiency, Shengjin therefore thirst-quenching, the five internal organs are yin, Yiyin good for the five internal organs." Especially liver and kidney People with deficiency of physical constitution have diabetes, dark eyes, tinnitus, and food. Modern pharmacological studies have also shown that mulberry into the stomach can supplement the lack of gastric juice, promote digestion of gastric juice, enter the intestine can stimulate the gastric mucosa, promote intestinal secretion, promote gastrointestinal motility, and thus have the benefit of strengthening and strong. In addition, mulberry can also be UFA beauty, in addition to mulberry contains a lot of nutrients the body needs, but also contains fumarin, can make hair become dark and glossy, it can be used for beauty.

5, pork skin

Pork has nourishing yin and moistening effect. Dr. Wang Mengying, a physician of the Qing Dynasty, said: "The pork kidney essence will fill the stomach juice, nourish the liver and yin, moisturize the skin, and stop the thirst." "Compendium of Herbal Medicine": "Pork, its flavor will last forever, the food will nourish the stomach, produce semen, and skin "So it is better to use yin deficiency physique and pig skin is better. Studies have found that pigskin contains a large amount of collagen protein, which can be converted into gelatin during cooking. Gelatin has a reticular spatial structure. It can bind many waters, enhance the physiological metabolism of cells, and effectively improve the body's physiological functions and skin tissue cells. The water storage function allows the cells to be moisturized, maintain a moist state, prevent premature skin folds, and delay the aging process of the skin.

6, milk

Chinese medicine believes that milk has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing liquid and producing fluid. Ancient doctors praised the role of milk in the role of nourishing milk, or milk, "Run muscle quench thirst," "Run skin," "Run large intestine," or phlegm "nourish five internal organs," "moisturizing rehydration." Where physical constitution is yin deficiency, should eat it regularly, benefit a lot.

Moreover, milk is rich in 20 amino acids that make up the body's proteins, of which 8 are not synthesized by the body itself (9 infants, more histidine than adults), and these amino acids are called essential amino acids. If we include all essential amino acids in the protein we eat, this protein is called whole protein. The protein in milk is whole protein.

7, sea cucumber

Sea cucumber has nourishing yin, blood, Yi Jing, moistening effect. "Medicine test": "Fire and Nourishing Kidney." "Food Taboo": "Sea cucumber kidney essence, benefit marrow." Wang Mengying, a food doctor in the Qing Dynasty, believed that sea cucumbers could “nourish yin, strengthen blood, and moisten dryness”. Sea cucumber is a high-protein, low-fat seafood delicacy that can replenish your body and nourish yin. Yin physique should be eaten regularly. Sea cucumbers can also enhance human immunity, because sea cucumbers are rich in selenium, and selenium is an important element against malignant flu, preventing human aging and preventing and treating cancer. The sea cucumber saponin inhibits tumors, improves cell immunity, inhibits the growth and metastasis of certain tumors, and is not susceptible to colds and diseases easily after long-term consumption. Has been widely used in benign, malignant tumors and other patients in the diet and treatment.

8, oyster meat

Pork meat is rich in protein and vitamins, and it has the effects of nourishing yin, clearing heat, and clear eyesight. Qing Wang Mengying also believes that quail meat can "clear heat and nourish yin, nourish the liver and cool down the blood." People with yin deficiency often eat oyster meat soup and are most suitable. Hemorrhoids have high nutritional value and contain protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1, and B2. The edible portion of the river quail contains 10.9 grams of protein per 100 grams, calcium 248 milligrams, iron 26.6 milligrams, zinc 6.23 milligrams, phosphorus 305 milligrams, vitamin A 243 micrograms, selenium 20.24 micrograms, carotene 2.3 micrograms, and contains more Riboflavin and other nutrients, total energy can reach 20.71 MJ/kg. Hefei meat has good health effects on the human body, there is nourishing Yin Pinggan, eyesight and other effects of eye disease.

9, 枸杞

Zongzi is rich in carotenoids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and essential nutrients for eye health care such as calcium and iron. Therefore, it is good at eyesight, so it is commonly known as "clear eyes." Chinese medicine believes that wolfberry has nourishing yin and longevity, especially for the liver and kidney yin deficiency of Yaoxisuanruan, dizziness, visual dim, tinnitus and deafness, or lung yin deficiency tuberculosis night sweats, consumptive cough, diabetes yin deficiency Diabetes, etc., eat better. Moreover, wolfberry also has a role in lowering blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, can prevent arterial syndrome-like hardening, protect the liver, inhibit fatty liver, and promote liver cell regeneration.

10, donkey hide

Ejiao is a good medicine for bleeding and nourishing yin. Clinical application of blood deficiency chlorosis, dizziness, palpitations, muscle weakness, upset insomnia, virtual wind within the movement, dryness cough, hemoptysis, hematemesis, bloody uterine bleeding and other aspects has a significant effect. Ejiao has a blood-producing effect and can be used for blood loss anemia, iron deficiency anemia, anemia of regeneration, and frailty of old and frail, children, and women. It also has an improving effect on the growth and development of children and adolescents. Long-term use of donkey-hide gelatin can also nourish skin, leaving skin smooth, smooth and elastic.

Moreover, Ejiao can both boost blood and nourish yin. "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Ejiao, mainly to only blood and liquid. Yin deficiency, make up the taste, donkey-hide gelatin, to make up the Yin and blood." Especially the people with lung and kidney yin deficiency, food especially appropriate.

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