Multi-season cultivation of pumpkin seedlings

Pumpkin seedlings are marketed with tender shoots, tender stem sections, tender leaves, tender flower stems, and tender flower buds. These vegetables are popular in recent years and are popular among urban residents. Since pumpkins do not need to use pesticides during the growth period, they are truly pollution-free vegetables. Now the methods for multi-season cultivation of pumpkin seedlings are described below. Small arch cover covered the spring market. The traditional Chinese pumpkin varieties are used, such as milled squash, pillow squash, Dahongpao squash, and no Indian squash or American squash (custard). Sowing in batches around the beginning of March. One-time application of basal fertilization, per acre applied to rot the pig cow cattle fecal 2000-2500 kg plus 50 kg cake fertilizer, compound fertilizer 20 kg, combined with the planing into the soil, according to the width of 1.3 meters. Seeds are sunned for 1–2 days before sowing and the seeds are removed. First soak the seeds with cold water, remove and pour into pre-prepared 50% warm water, and keep stirring for 5-10 minutes. When the water temperature drops to about 30°C, the seeds floating on the water are removed. After immersing in clean water for 7 to 12 hours, planting was conducted at a spacing of 1510 cm and the mulching was covered. After sowing, pre-emergence heat preservation is the main method. Generally, the film is not removed and kept at 25-30°C during the day and 15°C at night. After the emergence of the greenhouse temperature higher than 30 °C need to remove the film at both ends of the cooling. After the true leaves are unfolded, 0.5% urea aqueous solution is applied in combination with watering to keep the soil moist and promote the growth of stems and leaves. When melon seedlings grow to about 30 centimeters and 4 true leaves are harvested at one time. Then you can broadcast the second battle. The spring, summer and autumn seasons were broadcast live in summer and autumn. That is, sowing from mid-April to mid-August, the supply market from May to October. In order to drain water in April-June and irrigation drought in July, deep sorghum cultivation was adopted. Use paddy fields with good drainage and irrigation conditions or dry soil cultivation near water sources. Fertilize the basal fertilisers and finely prepare the soil. According to the width of 2 meters, including the groove width of 30 centimeters, the depth of the trench is more than 20 centimeters. Follow the line spacing 50 cm, planting 20 cm planting, pouring enough water after sowing. After the emergence of thin application of livestock manure water 1-2 times, at the same time for the seedlings and cultivator loose soil, to the 3-4 leaf stage with water per acre 20 kg of urea, compound fertilizer 10 kg, both fertilization and keep the soil moist. When the main stem grows to 6-7 leaves, the young shoots are picked in time, leaving only 3-4 bases of the stem base to promote axillary buds to shoot new shoots. Spraying 30 microliters/liter of the "920" solution 5 to 7 days before each harvest can reduce the formation of coarse fiber in the stem segments, which is beneficial to the softening of the melon seedlings. When the young shoots grow longer than 30 centimeters, 1-2 buds are continued to be harvested. Continuous harvesting can be repeated several times. At the same time picking flowers that have not been opened and flower stalks listed. When the wounds healed and new leaves appeared after harvesting, the topdressing and watering were started. Afterwards, each harvest was followed by 1 round of fertilizer and water, and the thin human or animal waste water or 0.5% urea solution was applied.

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