How to improve rabbit hair quality and yield

First, choose and improve breeds and strengthen matching. The breed (lines) of the rabbits are different, and the yield and quality of the rabbit hair are also different, sometimes very different. In selecting good varieties, it is also necessary to strengthen the selection and matching of the seeds, otherwise the quality of the population will be rapidly degraded. Hairy rabbits have a strong heritability in hair yield, so individual selection can be made directly by measuring wool yield and rabbit hair quality.
Second, hybridization and improvement. Male rabbits of a suitable high-yield species are selected to mate with females of the same group for hybridization and improvement.
Third, increase the proportion of female rabbits and promote male rabbit castration. Female rabbits produce more hair than male rabbits, the difference is as high as about 25%, and female rabbits have lower hair cakes than male rabbits. To increase the proportion of female rabbits in the rabbit population, separate the breeding female rabbits from the production female rabbits, and cast the male rabbits to castrate to increase the gross hair yield and rabbit hair quality of the population.
Fourth, maintain a reasonable age structure of the group. Increase the proportion of rabbits aged 1 to 2 years in the population. Each year, sufficient rabbits must be cultivated to supplement the population and improve the age structure.
Fifth, to ensure a balanced and full price of nutrient supply. The main component of rabbit hair is keratin. Therefore, it is necessary to feed proteins and feeds rich in sulfur amino acids to increase the concentration of essential amino acids in the tissue fluid surrounding the hair follicles and promote the growth of rabbit hair. Therefore, in the production of rabbit hair, the protein content is about 17%, the lysine content is 0.65%, and the sulfur-containing amino acid content should not be lower than 0.6%.
6. Strengthen the management of female rabbits and puppies to increase the hair follicle density. The rabbit hair yield is closely related to rabbit hair density, which in turn depends on the number of hair follicles. The differentiation and production of the secondary hair follicles are mainly completed during the later stages of pregnancy and early in life. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the breeding of the female gestation period and lactation period, and pay attention to the feeding management of the pups.
Seventh, using hair-pushing technology. Supplementing trace elements in feed can increase rabbit hair production. For example, the addition of 0.03% to 0.05% rare earth to the diet not only increases the wool production by 8.5% to 9.4%, but also increases the percentage of high quality wool by 43.44% to 51.45%.
VIII. Strengthen feeding and management. Single cage feeding is a prerequisite for improving the quality of rabbit hair. Cage culture can ensure that the rabbit hair is clean. There must be a straw frame in the rabbit cage to keep it clean and tidy. The rabbit hair is combed on a regular basis to prevent tangle and reduce the quality of rabbit hair. In addition, the rabbit cage should be closed to prevent the rabbits from running outside the cage. The rabbit's hair is contaminated with excreta.
Nine, a reasonable collection of hair. In summer, shearing mainly occurs, and in winter, plucking takes place. Hair collection should be grading, grading and storage. In addition, when the hairs of the rabbits are properly exchanged, shortening the hair-raising period and increasing the number of hair-collecting operations can also increase the rabbit hair production.
Ten, improve shearing technology. Cut the skin when tightening, close to the skin cut, not to cut the two knife hair, while cutting one side to separate the good hair from the secondary hair, which is conducive to improving the quality of rabbit hair.
Eleven, prevention and treatment to ensure the health of rabbits. Hairy rabbits suffer from rickets, fungal diseases, skin diseases and other diseases, will affect the rabbit hair production and quality. Rabbit groups were checked every day and rabbits were found to be treated promptly.

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