Celosia is a good feed for livestock

In addition to its ornamental and medicinal value, cockscomb is also a high protein feed. Feeding chicks with celosia seeds, feeding 1 to 2g per day, increasing daily gain by 20%, and preventing chicks from becoming white fleas; adding 5% of cockscomb grain to the broiler diet, increasing meat production by 15%; laying hens on a daily basis The addition of 6% of celosia seeds to the grain can replace 2% of the imported fishmeal and 4% of the beancake, the egg production is increased by 14%, the feeding cost is reduced by 8.5%, and 8% of celosia flower stems and leaves are added to the meat geese ration. The average daily weight gain increased by 15.4%. Dairy rations were supplemented with 50 to 60kg of fresh celosia stems and leaves. The average daily milk production increased by 16% to 18%, and the milk fat percentage increased by 1.8%. Cockscomb adaptability, high yield, can make full use of the empty space behind the house before the house, not only beautify the environment, but also broaden the sources of feed. 80g seeds mixed in the fine soil can spread 667 square meters, about 8500kg of stems and leaves per 667 square meters, generally only 75 days from sowing to harvest.

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