Women's winter health needs to do 8 things

How do women do well in the cold winter? Women are particularly uncomfortable in the winter, especially when they are cold, cold hands and feet, and often get sleepless at night, the next day, lack of spirit, poor color. Therefore, women should learn to cherish themselves and do a good job of health care in the winter to fight for a warm winter!

1, get up early and sleep late

In the winter, due to the gloom of the natural world, the coldness attacks people and can easily damage the body's yang. Therefore, winter health should start from gathering yin and protecting the yang. Try to get up early and get up late. If you go to bed early in the winter and keep a long rest time, you will be able to calm your mind, and the lurking yang will not be disturbed. This is the first thing you should pay attention to in winter health care.

2, do not refuse cold air

In winter, many people will stop their fitness activities. Studies have shown that the difference between air and skin temperature stimulation, can strengthen the body temperature central regulatory activities, skin vasoconstriction, improve muscle excitability and contractility; at the same time effectively improve the internal organs function. Often engaged in outdoor physical exercise can enhance the body's ability to adapt to changes in temperature. Therefore, mastering scientific methods and performing a variety of fitness exercises are also effective. In winter, you can choose jogging, aerobics, Tai Chi, indoor equipment exercises, winter swimming and so on.

3, appropriate sex life

Health should be "in harmony with the heavens, Shun geography," the natural law of the four seasons is "spring, summer and long, autumn harvest, winter collection", winter health expensive in "hidden", so the ancients already have "winter abstinence," said. In winter, the body needs a lot of energy to protect the cold, and sex life consumes more energy. Excessive housing is easy to affect physical health. But it does not mean that you stop your sex life in winter. Regular sex life is good for people. However, the frequency of how to master sexual life varies from person to person.

4, indoor attention to ventilation

In the cold winter days, some people like to close doors and windows or go to sleep. This is a bad habit. Because the indoor air pollution in winter is more than a dozen times more serious than outdoors, people should pay attention to the frequent opening of windows and doors for ventilation to clean the air and refresh the mind. In addition to open doors and windows during the day to allow air convection, small ventilation windows should be ventilated at night.

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