The secret behind the fruit

1. Eating bananas can help weak, sentimental people to dispel pessimistic and restless emotions and maintain a peaceful and happy mood. This is mainly because it increases the amount of serotonin substances that are pleasant in the brain. The study found that the content of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the brain of depressed patients is less than that of ordinary people.

● People who love bananas are strong in appearance, weak in heart, and sentimental, and they care about others' evaluation of themselves.

2. Eat strawberries can cultivate patience, because it belongs to the low-level grass stem plants, easy to be contaminated during the growth process, therefore, must be patiently cleaned before eating: first remove the leaves, rinse under running water, then soak with salt water 5 to 10 Minutes, then soak in cool water for 1 to 2 minutes. After that, you can eat this nutritious "live vitamin pill."

● People who love strawberries are cheerful, optimistic, confident and enjoy life, but they are impatient.

3. Grapes are especially suitable for people who are “lazy” because the healthiest way to eat is “do not peel and don’t spit seeds”. Grape skin and grape seeds are more nutritious than grape meat. The reason why red wine has better health benefits than white wine is because it is brewed with skin. Researchers at the University of Bordeaux, France, also found that grape seed rich in immune enhancement, anti-aging substances opc, 85% after being absorbed into the human body.

● Grape-loving people are good at communication, have strong organizational skills, and are not prone to face, but they are self-defeating but lazy.

4. Cherry has a high content of iron and is particularly suitable for women to eat fruit. It has the effect of tonifying and nourishing blood. American researchers also found that eating cherries can significantly reduce pain. Dry in winter, prone to odors in the mouth, squeeze out the cherry juice, add water to dilute and gargle, you can help eliminate this trouble.

● People who love cherries are good at financial management, but they are easily lonely and afraid of loneliness.

5. Pears are fruitful and energetic fruits. It is rich in water, rich in vitamins a, b, c, d, e, and trace elements iodine, can maintain the health of cell tissue, help organs detoxification, purification, but also soften blood vessels, promote blood to transport more calcium to skeleton. However, when you eat pears, you must eat it slowly and carefully.

● People who love pears are very talented and energetic. The things that are identified do not give up easily, but they are sometimes too stubborn.

6. Frequent emotions increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Experts at Harvard Medical School recommend that people eat oranges to reduce the probability of these illnesses. But pay attention not to eat more than 4 each day, otherwise it may appear that Chinese medicine says "get angry" performance, such as acne.

● People who love oranges are full of emotions and affinity, but sometimes they are very emotional and their attitudes are unpredictable.

7. Grapefruit is a fruit that guarantees human health and makes the cardiovascular system healthy. It contains pectin that lowers LDL, reduces arterial wall damage, maintains vascular function, and prevents arteriosclerosis and heart disease. The researchers also found that eating 8 grapefruit can significantly promote the recovery of healthy tissues and organs injured during exercise.

● People who love grapefruit are very healthy and have good exercise cells, but they are too self-conscious and impatient.

8. Eating a small amount of apples every day can prevent many diseases and make people feel full. It is the most pragmatic fruit. The American Cancer Research Center recommends that people often eat apples to prevent cancer, because the rich content of phytochemical natural antioxidants can effectively eliminate free radicals and reduce the incidence of cancer.

● People who love apples are practical, they are calm and have plans, they are not afraid of hardship, but they have strong self-esteem and some are conservative.

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