Agricultural film and more use

Gully cover, used multiple times to cover the cultivation of gully, planting sorghum to plant high-gap ditch. On a sorghum 15–20 cm high and 60–70 cm wide, open two furrows 15–20 cm wide and 20 cm deep, sowing or planting in the furrows, flattening the membrane on the surface of the noodles, and the seedlings coming into contact with the membrane. Store the membrane until it is used for the next time, or open the hole to make a membrane.

First, make a small arch shed, and then make a plastic film as a small arch shed before using the plastic film. After falling, use the local film to apply it to the cultivation of early spring crops. The bamboo or branches used for the awning should be smooth without sharp corners so as not to damage the film.

The old film sets the new film, the double film covers the early spring crops. After the new crop is covered, the new film is overlaid on the surface. Then the old film is placed on the outside of the new film as a small arch. Or after the seedlings of the crop are set, the new film is used to break the holes. Doing a small arch cover the old membrane can maintain the soil moisture, promote seed germination and seedling growth, so that the old membrane can be used twice, and the new membrane can continue to be used.

Stretcher Base

Stretcher Base,Stretcher Platform Base,Removable Stretcher Base,Ambulance Stretcher Base

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