Reasonable use of chicken manure to improve efficiency

The rational use of chicken manure can not only solve the environmental pollution of the aquaculture industry, but also reduce the feed costs of farmers. Chicken manure contains a large amount of undigested protein, crude fat, mineral elements, B Vitamins, and a certain amount of carbohydrates. It is also rich in Amino Acids. After processing, it can become a good feed resource. The following is the processing method and utilization technology of chicken manure:

First, chicken manure fermentation

1. Natural fermentation Fresh chicken manure and wheat bran are mixed in 3 to 2, moisture content is controlled at about 50%, sealed fermentation is carried out in a silo, the temperature is kept above 5°C, and the cellar is fed after 20-40 hours.

2. Stacking Fermentation Fresh chicken manure is first collected, then poured into a cylinder, opened with water, and agitated. After the sedimentation, the upper layer of impurities and the lower sediments are taken to remove the middle layer of pure chicken manure, and the water is drained. Every 10kg chicken manure add 15-20 pieces of yeast tablets, 15-20 pieces of sugar calcium tablets, 5-6 pieces of oxytetracycline, 5-6 hours of accumulation and fermentation, and the pigs used for feeding can be added by 20% of the diet.

3. Plastic bag fermentation The chicken manure is air-dried to 70% dry, and 10-20g of bran or rice bran per 100kg of feces is mixed. After mixing, the mixture is sealed in a plastic bag and the temperature is controlled at about 60°C. Fermentation for 1 hour in summer and 2 hours in spring and autumn. Fermentation standards are suitable for smelling vinasse.

4. Tile tank fermentation will remove the feces, dried, chopped. Add fresh water (humidity is squeezed into groups, fingers not dripping is appropriate), mixed with green fodder, compacted into the cylinder, the surface sprinkled with 2cm bran, cylinder mouth sealed with plastic film, on a cool At about 20°C, 10-15 hours of fermentation to cook sour incense.

Second, chicken manure silage

As long as there is enough water (40% -60%) and soluble carbohydrates, chicken manure can be silted together with forage, crop straw or other roughage. When silage, the ratio of chicken manure to forage or other feed is preferably 1 to 1. If silage soluble carbohydrates are insufficient, add 9%-12% cornmeal or 1%-3% molasses. The digestibility of fiber components can be increased by adding basic substances such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and ammonium hydroxide. Strictly closed during silage, compacted, airtight, airtight, to achieve dry and anaerobic environment, improve the quality of silage.

The processed chicken manure becomes a nutrient-rich feed. The suitable ratio of chicken manure to pigs is 5%-10% of the total diet, and the finishing period is 10%-20%. It has no obvious effect on the pig's weight gain, and the economic effect is ideal. Chicken droppings should not be fed to young pigs, and fattening pigs should not be fed before the slaughter, because chicken droppings have adverse effects on the fat quality of the carcasses. When using chicken manure to feed beef cattle, when the chicken manure accounts for more than 40% of the dry matter of the feed, attention should be paid to use with the energy feed; when feeding chickens and chicken manure, pay attention to phosphorus supplementation; when feeding chickens to sheep, determine The amount of copper should not allow the level of copper in the diet to exceed the tolerance level, otherwise it will cause poisoning.

Third, the use of chicken manure

The following formula refers to the use of more than 20% of corn flour (or dried food such as dried potato flour, wheat flour, and sorghum flour) when fermenting chicken manure, and a fully fermented chicken manure fermentation material.

1. Empty sow and sows before pregnancy 90 days Fermented chicken manure 50%, corn 37%, wheat bran 7%, soybean meal 6%, calcium carbonate 0.8%, the above feed mix well and feed the pig better. After 90 days of pregnancy and lactating sows are fed less or no.

2. 30kg or more medium and big pigs Fermented chicken manure 30%, corn 45%, wheat bran 9%, soybean meal 15%, premix 1% (note that starting from 5%, slowly increase the amount, there is an adaptation process) .

Observe the adaptation of the pig during the feeding process. Soil pigs are generally well-adapted to fermented chicken manure. If the effect is good, you can gradually increase the amount, such as increasing to 50% of the large pig diet, and accordingly reduce the amount of some other raw materials. Its formula is : 50% of chicken manure, 39% of corn, 10% of soybean meal, and 1% of premix. Phosphorus does not need to be supplemented because the phosphorus content of chicken manure is already high.

Experiments have shown that fermented chicken-pig pigs like to eat and grow quickly. Combined with injections of “one-needle fertilizer”, pigs rarely develop disease, feed costs are greatly reduced, and pork quality is excellent. Pigs fed chicken manure fermentation materials are regularly dewormed with drugs.

3. For broilers, 5% of the fermented chicken manure was added for the first time, slowly added to 8% and the finishing period to 10%. This has little effect on the growth rate.

4. Breeding hens, back-up chickens Fermented chicken manure 20%, corn 50%, wheat bran 9%, soybean meal 20%, lysine 15%, calcium carbonate 0.8%, premix 1%.

5. After the production layer of commercial layer hens has reached the peak of egg production, the egg production rate is reduced to 80% (around 32 weeks of age). It is necessary to control the energy of the feed, and 20% of the fermented chicken manure can be added, and then gradually increase to 25%.

6. The amount of chicken manure in feed for ruminants such as cattle and sheep can reach 50%, and can be used for the fermentation of chicken manure, which can replace 20% of the concentrate of dairy cows. The milk production rate and milk fat percentage can be increased to varying degrees.

Nutritional Specialties

We supply specialties, which is food indicated to have specific health functions. That is suitable for specific food groups, can regulate body functions, not to treat the disease for the purpose of food.

1. Materials or ingredients used by the conventional food processing.
2. In the usual form and method of ingestion.
3. Marked with a label biological adjustment functions.

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