
The bentgrass is also called holly and bentgrass. It is native to Eurasia and is widely used in low-cut, fine-quality lawns. Its name derives from its strong stolons that grow on the surface of the earth and grow new roots and stems from the nodes. China's northeast, north, northwest and Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces are distributed, more common in wet grassland.

Botanical characteristics

Herbs perennial, with long litchi, erect basal geniculate or supine. Leaf sheaths glabrous, lower than internodes, upper ones shorter than internodes; ligule membranous, oblong, 2-3 mm long, apex suborbicular, microlobed; leaf blade linear, 7-9 cm long, flattened, broad Up to 5mm, the back edge of the stem rolls inwards, and the edges and veins are slightly rough. Panicle development, oval, long 7-12cm, width 3-8cm, generally two branches, nearly horizontal development, the lower part of the exposed; spikelets dark purple.

2. Ecological adaptability

The bentgrass is used in most of the cold, wet areas of the world. It has also been introduced to transitional climatic zones and colder areas in warm and humid areas. It is one of the coldest resistant turfgrasses. In spring, the return to green is slow, and when the fall is cold, the leaves turn yellow earlier than the bluegrass, and generally can pass through the high temperature period in midsummer, but the stems and roots may be seriously damaged. In the management of conservation, proper drainage, irrigation, and disease control are particularly important when the soil temperature is high. The bentgrass can tolerate partial shade, but it grows well when the sun shines. Resistant to trample. Can adapt to a variety of soil, but the most suitable for fertility, medium acidity, water retention in fine soil growth, the optimum soil pH value of 5.5-6.5. Its salt resistance and flooding resistance are better than those of the general cold-season turfgrass, but its adaptability to tight soil is poor.

3. Establishment and management

The bentgrass stocks can be used to seed live seedlings to build pings and also to reproduce pings on the stems. A high quality lawn can be formed when the clipping height is 1.8 cm or less, and the height of trimming is too high, and the growth habit of the dragonfly can cause excessive formation of the litchi layer and a decline in the quality of the straw slope. Regular fertilization will minimize the production of litchi layer, and vertical pruning will accelerate the generation of young stems and the root formation on the stem. Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirements: On the collar, pure nitrogen 2.5-5.0g/? for each growing month; trimmed high turf 2.0-3.5g/?. There is a great relationship between the growth of creeping bentgrass and the irrigation of dry and coarse soil. The creeping bentgrass is more susceptible to disease, including dollar spot disease, brown spot disease, chronic hydatid disease, Fusarium wilt disease, Pythium wilt disease, red silk disease, smut disease, and gray snow mold. Frequent bactericides should be used where they are easy to attack.

4. Use characteristics

At low pruning, bentgrass produces the most beautiful and detailed lawns. At pruning heights of 0.5-0.75 cm, creeping bentgrass is an excellent cool-season turfgrass suitable for bowling alleys. The selection of seed quality seeds in China is also used for high-quality, high-intensity managed lawns such as golf courses, teeing areas and fruit collars. Because of its highly aggressive stolons, it is rare to mix with upright and growing cold-season turfgrasses. The bentgrass is also used for the winter seeding of warm-season turfgrass-dominated lawns. When used for this purpose, it is often mixed with other cool-season grasses

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