The most nutritious parts of the fish top5

Nutritious location:

1. Fish: rich in high-quality protein, easy digestion and absorption, low fat content, also contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, zinc, selenium and other inorganic salts, as well as vitamin A, vitamin D and B vitamins. Fish has dark and white flesh, dark flesh contains more lipids, glycogen, vitamins, enzymes, etc., taste is more savory, such as tuna, sardines, etc.; white flesh taste lighter, such as large yellow croaker, flounder, etc. .

2. Fish brain: rich in the commonly known as "brain gold" polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA, as well as phospholipids, to help infant brain development, the auxiliary treatment of Alzheimer's disease also has a certain role. However, the brain cholesterol content of fish is high and food intake should be controlled.

3. Fish gizzards: It is known as “Marine Ginseng” in ancient times, and is famous for bird's nest and shark fin. Fish gizzards contain biomacromolecules collagen protein, which can improve the nutritional status of tissues, promote growth and development, and delay skin aging. It is an ideal high-protein low-fat food. Sea fish have a thicker wall, usually made of dried fish, called a fish belly. The dishes made of fish belly are smooth, delicate and full of texture.

4. Fish scales: contains choline, can enhance memory. Also contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, have a role in the prevention and treatment of arteriosclerosis, hypertension and heart disease, can be used to make fish scales frozen food. In addition, the fish scales of squid and mackerel contain certain lipids and umami components that can be steamed directly without cooking. The squid scales contain 6-thioguanine, an anti-cancer, and do not have to be shaved when eating.

5. Fish tails and fish bones Fish tails: The nutrition is similar to that of a fish body. Fish bones do have the effect of calcium supplementation, but in general, people eat very little and shark's fish bones can be made into fish bone powder.

Nutritional misunderstandings:

Fish lips

It is made from the skin and associated tissues of the upper lip of squid, shark and squid. The main ingredient is collagen. Although it is one of seafood delicacies, it is actually not much nutrition.


The content of vitamin B1 and DHA is slightly higher. Due to the small fish eyes, the nutritional value is not great.

Alternative Tea

Substitute tea refers to the use of edible plant leaves, flowers, fruits (fruit), roots, etc., using the way of drinking tea (by brewing, boiling, etc.) is a kind of products commonly known.
Substitute tea is divided into leaf, flower, fruit and rhizome; The way of drinking the same as tea is generally composed of one or more items in the two categories of "medicine and food homology" and "can be used for health care" in the food classification stipulated by the Ministry of Health. Tea products made from the roots, stems, leaves or fruits of these plants.
The way of drinking the same as tea, generally by the ministry of Health provisions of food classification of medicine and food homologous category, can be used for health care category, two types of goods in the single or multiple items, with the roots, stems, leaves or fruits of these plants made of tea products.
Substitute tea has certain effect and auxiliary effect for some special groups, belonging to the health conditioning products.

Alternative Tea,Hot Drink Alternative To Tea,Tea Substitute,Green Tea Alternative

XuChang Youjia Food Product Development Co., LTD ,