Experts advise: The incidence of childhood cancer is rising in the first three months of pregnancy

"The traditional view is that cancer is a disease of the general population, and children rarely get it, so they neglect or even misdiagnose and delay treatment." Wang Ying, director of radiation therapy at Chongqing Cancer Hospital, recently told reporters that parents should pay attention to children's cancer.

According to a survey conducted by the International Children's Oncology Society, the incidence of childhood cancer has increased at a rate of 2.8% every year for nearly 10 years. The tumor has become the second leading cause of child deaths in addition to accidental trauma. Wang Ying said that Chongqing City Cancer Hospital had treated hundreds of children with malignant tumors in 2016. In the Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, which has opened the Children's Oncology Division, this number is much higher.

Data analysis showed that in the malignancy of children, the incidence of leukemia, brain tumor, and lymphoma ranked the top three. In children aged 1 to 3 years, hepatoblastoma, nephroblastoma, and malignant reproductive tumors are more common, and children over the age of 7 are more common in tumors such as sarcoma.

Wang Ying said that children of all ages, including newborns, are at risk of developing cancer, and the affected area includes various systems of the body. The most critical is the high degree of malignancy, rapid growth, early metastasis, and poor prognosis.

"However, if early diagnosis and early treatment, the cure rate of some children may be higher than 70%." Wang Ying said that surgery combined with the necessary radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the effect is very good. Wang Ying said that the prognosis of children's cancer is good, first of all because the children's psychological is simple, there will not be too much psychological burden on the treatment of tumors; Second, the vast majority of childhood tumors derived from embryogenic tissue, more sensitive to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and so on. In addition, children are in a period of growth and development. After surgery and chemotherapy, the body recovers quickly.

Experts point out that the key to treating children's tumors is to determine the appropriate timing of the disease itself. Unlike adult tumors, children's tumors progress very rapidly, from the first phase to the fourth phase, and the fastest as long as three months, so early detection is crucial.

Experts point out that unlike adult cancer, solid tumors in children are mainly related to fetal tissues during maternal fetal development. Therefore, pregnant women should get as little as possible during the first three months of pregnancy. Do not use antibiotics and contact with electromagnetic radiation. Radiation and decoration pollution of benzene, formaldehyde and other toxic substances.

In addition, parents should cultivate children not picky eaters, not partial eclipse, balanced nutrition, enhance immunity. Do not buy hormonal foods for children and insist on letting children exercise. Pregnant women and young children should not be exposed to smoking for long periods of time.

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