Bone metastasis is very concealed. It is very important to make tertiary prevention.

Bone metastasis is very concealed. It is very important to make tertiary prevention.

November 10, 2017 Source: Xinhuanet

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At present, the treatment of breast cancer is becoming more diverse and the treatment level is increasing. However, as the patient's survival period is prolonged, cancer recurrence and metastasis become the "heart disease" of many people. "The occurrence of bone metastasis is very concealed. If bone metastasis occurs in the early stage of the disease, the patient will have almost no symptoms, and even the doctor can not detect it." Recently, Chen Yiding, deputy director of the breast specialist ward of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine accepted Xinhuanet said in an interview that strengthening tertiary prevention is beneficial to prevent and control bone metastasis and improve the prognosis of breast cancer patients.

Patients with bone metastases need to be alert to five major bone-related events

"In advanced breast cancer patients, about 70% of bone metastases will occur. In recent years, we have also found that nearly 20% of the first patients will have more or less bone metastases." Chen Yiding suggested that clinicians should be vigilant. Pay close attention to bone loss and bone metastasis in breast cancer patients.

Why do breast cancer patients have bone loss and bone metastasis? "This is because many patients undergo endocrine therapy or chemotherapy during the treatment of breast cancer. Premenopausal women may be treated with ovarian castration. These treatments may affect the patient's bone health and induce bone loss related diseases. Recurrence and metastasis of the tumor may lead to secondary bone metastasis." Chen Yiding explained.

What are the hazards in the event of bone metastasis? Chen Yiding said that patients with bone metastases should be alert to five serious bone-related events. The first is a fracture. The second is that patients need radiotherapy because of severe bone pain. The third is that the patient needs surgery because of bone metastasis. The fourth is hypercalcemia, which is because bone metastasis destroys bone tissue, causing a large amount of bone calcium to be released and released into the blood, causing an abnormal increase in serum ionized calcium concentration, which threatens life and health. Fifth, if bone metastasis occurs in the spine, it may cause spinal cord compression, induce paralysis, and even hemiplegia.

Prevention and control of breast cancer bone metastasis should be "early prevention, early detection, early treatment"

Although breast cancer occurs in a specific organ, it is actually a systemic disease, and it tends to spread to the whole body early in the disease. "As a doctor, we hope that breast cancer patients do not have bone metastases, or they should be detected early and interfere early, so that the patient's prognosis will be better." Chen Yiding stressed that prevention and control of breast cancer bone metastasis should establish "three levels of prevention" "The concept."

"First-level prevention is to prevent patients from undergoing bone metastasis. This is necessary to prevent premature breast cancer patients and prevent bone metastasis. Secondary prevention refers to early detection of bone metastases. Very slight bone metastases, or single bone metastases may be very concealed, by monitoring abnormal growth of alkaline phosphatase in the body, or by detecting the early lesions by whole body bone ECT scan. If confirmed by imaging, the patient is indeed If an osteogenic or osteolytic lesion occurs and the patient has already had a bone metastasis, standard and standardized symptomatic treatment must be carried out. For the third-level prevention, if the patient has severe symptoms due to bone metastasis, we must try to Extend the patient's life and alleviate the suffering of the patient." Chen Yiding said.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) proposed in the latest Breast Cancer Clinical Practice Guide (2017) that early intervention in breast cancer is recommended for bisphosphonates. In this regard, Chen Yiding said, "Multiple clinical trials show that for postmenopausal breast cancer patients, the use of bisphosphonates can reduce the incidence of breast cancer bone metastasis, but also help reduce the mortality rate of patients, which is also our I hope to see it."

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