WHO lists 12 anti-drug "super bacteria"

WHO lists 12 anti-drug "super bacteria"

March 06, 2017 Source: China News Network

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According to the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po report, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a list of 12 super bacteria on the day before, indicating that these pathogens are resistant to antibiotics and pose the most serious threat to human health.

WHO has called on pharmaceutical companies to develop new antibiotics as soon as possible, otherwise future chemotherapy, organ transplantation, and even caesarean section and hip replacement surgery can cause fatal infections.

The WHO has divided the urgency of 12 kinds of bacteria for new antibiotics into three grades, which are severe, high and medium, among which Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas and several Enterobacter species have multiple resistances, including It is a polymyxin that is the "last line of defense" for antibiotics and can cause fatal pneumonia or sepsis. Therefore, it is listed as a severe level, and it is most urgent to develop new antibiotics.

The rest of the bacteria on the list are also becoming more resistant, including gonococcal bacteria causing gonorrhea and Salmonella causing food poisoning. These bacteria can transfer genetic material to other bacteria, making other bacteria resistant.

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