Prevention of sow chemical method

Fertilized eggs cause early embryonic death during development and are absorbed by sows, commonly known as chemical fertilization. It is one of the important reasons for the low birth rate. The following methods can be used to solve this problem.

1. Strengthen feeding management

The protein feed and energy feed are added 3 to 14 days before breeding, and minerals and vitamins are added at the same time to make it enter the best state of breeding soon; for the empty sow with poor lye, breeding methods for breeding and feeding are available. That is, nutrition is strengthened for a relatively long period of time before mating, so that it can restore sensation and strength as much as possible, so as to facilitate mating, abortion, and miscarriage, and increase litter size.

2. Timely breeding

The sow's breeding time is best from the 22nd to the 24th hour after the start of oestrus. From the point of view of the oestrus, the sow is switched from extreme excitement to quietness, white silk mucus flows out of the vagina, and the sow's back sow stays in hand. Breeding is best when standing still, so that the embryo has a low mortality rate and a high birth rate.

3. Endocrine regulation

Seven days after mating, 30 mg of progesterone was injected intramuscularly into each sow, which effectively reduced embryonic death and prevented sows from becoming fetuses.

4. Improve feed quality

Sows during pregnancy, feed quality is better, to prevent the use of mildew, pollution, frozen feed sows, or prone to food poisoning or pesticide poisoning, light can cause embryo toxicity death, the weight of the sow will affect the life safety.

5. Control the ambient temperature

In the first week of pregnancy, when the ambient temperature reaches a high of 32-35°C for a short period of time (24 hours), embryonic death increases; similarly, breeding of boars with heated boars can also result in embryonic death. Control between 15 ~ 25 °C.

6. Appropriate exercise

Mainly free movement, but to prevent the sow from falling.

Facial Treatments

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