How do pig farmers prevent and respond to summer bacteria and winter virus?

Since ancient times, China has had an ancient saying that "pig food is safe in the world". It is important to know that raising pigs is a major event for the national economy and the people's livelihood. Pig farmers have summarized a lot of pig slang according to their own farming experience. For example, today's "small bacteria in summer and winter virus" is one of them. Then Xiaobian talks about how pig farmers prevent and respond. Summer bacteria, winter virus phenomenon?


First, summer bacteria

1. The heat is hot in summer, so the humid environment of the farm is most suitable for the growth and reproduction of bacteria and mosquitoes, which causes the breeding house to breed a large number of bacteria, which seriously affects the physical and mental health of the pigs.

2. In a hot and humid environment, the feed is prone to mildew, which creates opportunities for bacteria and mosquitoes to invade the feed. This will not only cause the feed to spoilage, but also cause food poisoning in pigs in severe cases.


Second, the winter virus Wang

1. The winter is cold, so the pigs need a lot of physical energy to resist the cold air, which will lead to the decline of physical function resistance, create an opportunity for the disease virus to invade, and also make a large number of viruses replicate and multiply, seriously threatening the health of the pigs. Growing.

2, in the cold season, the farm is generally closed, to prevent thieves from invading the pigs, so that the pigs can not receive the sun, the body absorbs less vitamin D. It is necessary to know that vitamin D is a weapon for the resistance of pigs, and it is also effective in controlling the reproduction of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, the farm should be properly ventilated and ventilated.

3, the pig is breathing cold air, in order to prevent the loss of heat, the blood vessels in the nose will shrink. This is a very easy disease, it is easy to cause white blood cells to reach the nasal mucosa, can not kill the virus that pigs suck in, causing the virus to enter the pig's body.


Third, prevention program

1. The pig farm should do a good job of disinfection and use a large number of antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Of course, for bacterial diseases in pigs, antibiotics can also be used.

2, for the pig house virus, the most effective defense measures are injection-related vaccines, or the release of interfering virus drugs.

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