Comparison of serum-free cell cryopreservation solution with traditional cell cryopreservation solution

Serum-free cell cryopreservation - an upgraded version of traditional serum cryopreservation

Youkang - serum-free cell cryopreservation solution:
The use of a proprietary cryopreservation formula of the company's patents to replace serum with a variety of protein components including recombinant human albumin. The protection of a single DMSO was replaced by a complex cryoprotectant including DMSO. The internal protective agent of the composite protectant easily penetrates the cell membrane to prevent the formation of ice crystal damage cells in the water molecules inside the cell during freezing; the external protective agent can competitively bind to the cell membrane surface outside the cell membrane before the solution forms ice crystals. The water molecules, thereby reducing the electrolyte concentration of the extracellular solution and reducing the amount of cations entering the cell. Under the synergistic protection between the inside and the outside of the cell, the damage caused by the rapid temperature drop and the temperature rise is significantly reduced, thus greatly improving the recovery survival rate of the cells after cryopreservation.
- an upgraded version of traditional serum cryopreservation

Performance comparison with traditional cryopreservation:

Comparison of immune cell cryopreservation time and recovery survival rate:

Stem cell cryopreservation time vs. resuscitation rate:

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