Broiler Breeding Management Measures in Hot Season

Chickens are afraid of heat, the most suitable egg production temperature is between 13-20 °C. If the ambient temperature rises, the body temperature of the chicken will increase. When the temperature exceeds 29°C, the chicken will breathe, the heart rate will increase, the mouth will breathe, the feed intake will decrease, the disease resistance will be weakened, and the egg weight will be reduced. Poor shell quality results in thin shelled eggs and even soft shelled eggs; roosters show poor semen quality, reduced semen volume, and reduced fertilization rate. When heat stress occurs, the chicken's body temperature rises to 43°C, and the breathing becomes deep. The chicken is unstable and the chicken cocks are pale, and pathological breathing occurs. The soft palate can cause shock and death if not treated promptly. Now several measures have been summarized for some of the chicken farms in our county to cope with the summer heat for reference.
1 When improving the environment and reducing the temperature and temperature of the house, the summer heat-stroke cooling device should be considered. Insulation materials should be used for roof building materials. The roof should be painted white and protected from direct sunlight. Trees, fruits and vines can be shaded. When the temperature is high at noon, windows and ventilation fans should be opened to ventilate the house. The main use of wet curtain cooling and water spray on chickens and other measures.
1.1 Wet curtain cooling The use of plastic window screening, linen, and other wet curtains to prevent the heat of the house to cool down, the effect is obvious. Breeding chickens in closed chicken coops, under conditions of negative pressure ventilation, wet curtains, and wind speeds of 0.8-1 m/s, when the ambient temperature reaches 30°C or more, the temperature can be reduced by 3 to 6°C, and the temperature is increased. High, the cooling effect is relatively better.
1.2 Spray water in the three-volt weather, the high temperature at noon to the chicken body spray, spray into a mist, spray once per hour: each spray 60-80ml, can achieve a certain cooling effect.
2 Strengthen feeding management and improve nutrition
2.1 To ensure that the chicken's drinking water is increased during the heat stress of drinking water, it is necessary to ensure sufficient clean drinking water. The water must not be stopped or cut off. The water temperature should be lower than the Shervin temperature, and it should be around 10°C. It is better to supply clean spring water or well water. At the same time in the water can be added electrolytes (potassium chloride, sodium chloride, etc.) to ease the chicken's heat stress and maintain the body's acid-base balance.
2.2 Changing Feeding Methods and Reducing Feeding Density Feeding in high-density summers increases the amount of heat produced by chickens. If the heat is not released and the air circulation is poor, chickens are prone to heat stress and die in large numbers. Therefore, the stocking density should be reduced and the air circulation increased. In addition, it is also possible to change the way of feeding. The ground level raising is changed to online feeding. The raised chicken house keeps the dunnage and the ground dry, removes the excrement in time, and regularly performs disinfection.
2.3 Changing Feeding Time Feeding can be carried out in the early morning or at night according to the feeding standards of chickens to avoid feeding in the hot midday so that the chicken can rest quietly at noon. You can set the feeding time for the day at 19:00-21:00 in the evening, 4:00-5:00 in the morning, and 9:00-10:00 in the morning. Feed some melons, vegetables and other green stuff at noon to cool down. And the role of added moisture.
2.4 Using intermittent light to use intermittent light during the summer night can promote chicken feeding, drinking, defecation and activities. It not only increases the intake of food, but also discharges calories accumulated in the body, reduces body temperature and prevents heat stroke. Reduce heat stress response, increase egg production rate and egg production quality. For this reason, the light can be set at 19:00-21:00 at night and 5:00-7:00 in the morning.
2.5 Improving Nutritional Levels of Diets During the summer months, the intake of chickens is reduced and the energy intake of chickens is insufficient. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of the feed and there is ample intake space (chute), the protein content in the diet should be increased by about 10%, and plant proteins should be used instead of animal proteins.
3 Supplementary anti-heat stress substances
3.1 Electrolyte balance The addition of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate to the diet will improve the performance of the chicken under heat stress. Adding 0.1% sodium chloride and 0.3% sodium bicarbonate to the diet will help Relieve acid-base balance disorders caused by heat stress.
3.2 Add vitamin Vc can relieve stress, increase feed intake, enhance the body resistance to disease, in the feed in the amount of 100-400mg/kg added. In addition, adding Vb can increase egg production and fertility.
3.3 Adding Chinese Herbal Medicine Artemisia annua L. and Astragalus membranaceus can reduce body temperature by regulating the body temperature center, and 0.5 kg/t can be added to the feed. Guizhi has the function of radiating heat and can add 0.5 kg/t to the feed.
4. In the case of artificial insemination technology under normal circumstances, if artificial insemination technology is applied, a rooster collects sperm once a day, and can collect 1-1.5 ml each time, and can dilute and breed 120-160 hens, turning the hen once. After anal fertilization, more than 80% of eggs produced within 5 to 7 days are fertilized eggs, which can reduce the number of roosters, reduce breeding costs, and greatly increase economic efficiency.
5 Mosquito control by rodents, repelling parasites from inside and outside the body, doing a good job of preventing epidemics in the summer hot season, and there are more mosquitoes and flies, which are the media for many diseases. Take measures to eliminate mosquitoes and rats. In addition, we must regularly deworm and do a good job in disease prevention and control.