The Prevention of Pink Powdery Mildew

Symptoms: The disease mainly damages tender young leaves and flowers. The appearance of white powder in the affected area is a clear symptom of this disease. A greenish yellow spot develops on the leaves at the initial stage, white spots appear on the back of the leaves, and gradually expands into irregular shapes. In severe cases, the white spots are connected to one another. Young shoots curl, shrink. The buds are covered with white powder and the flowers are deformed. The petiole and prickles are thick on the white powder layer and are difficult to peel off, causing the plants to fall off. The buds are dead and unable to open.

Incidence pattern: The pathogen mainly overwintered on the diseased leaf bud with a closed beam shell. Subspora spores are emitted after the spring rain, which first infects the roots. The conidia produced by the spores are transmitted by the airflow and are repeatedly infested. From May to September, the onset of the disease, to no longer disease in October. Dry weather and debilitating plants are severely affected.

Control methods: (1) Clear diseased leaf buds in autumn and winter. In early spring, disease buds, diseased branches and diseased leaves are cut off, and buried deeply or burned. Improve cultivation conditions, increase ventilation and light transmission, use less nitrogen fertilizer, and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. (2) Spraying 5 Sulfur Blender before germination; spraying 25% triadimefon WP 1500 times; or spraying 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1000X; or spraying 15% triadimefon Powder 1,000 times; can be sprayed with 0.02~0.03% potassium permanganate solution.

Network Video Recorder 1080P

The Network Video Recorder 1080P, also called the NVR 1080P/ NVR 1080P Security System/ 1080P NVR Camera System/ NVR Full HD 1080P/ 1080P Wireless NVR means that the video and image storage resolution this Network Video Recorder is 1080P, 1920×1080.SMPTE., about 2M pixels. And this resolution is also called the Full High-Definition or the Full HD.

I have introduced the Network Video Recorder to you before, so this time let me specifically introduce the incident investigation function of the Network Video Recorder software for you.

The incident investigation function of the Network Video Recorder software
1. Event list
The event list generated according to the system events, such as the alarm trigger, video analysis trigger, etc., can be quickly replayed. Just click one specific event information item of the event list, and the system will automatically replay the corresponding video.

2. The video snapshot function
During the incident investigation, if the incident lasts very long, it will take a long time to check the video gradually. Generally speaking, and the user can fast forward or rewind the video to find the video segment he/she needs quickly. Luckily, the video snapshot function can segment all the videos in the circle and give each video "representative image"/"video snapshot", so that the user can click the corresponding "snapshot" to playback the video segment that this snapshot represents, which can greatly save the checking time.

3. The Off-line VMD investigation function
The post-investigation means that as for the channels that only start the VMD function operation in some urgent times, if the user needs to playback the video to find the video motion scenes in the future, then this Off-line VMD investigation function works. This Off-line VMD investigation function supports the alarm area division, the action direction and target size filtering, etc., so that the search conditions can be restricted before the search , which will make the search very efficient.

Therefore, there are many useful functions for the Network Video Recorder(including the Full HD Network Video Recorder 1080P), and I would would specifically introduce these useful functions one by one for you.

Network Video Recorder 1080P

Network Video Recorder 1080P, NVR 1080P Security System, NVR 1080P, 1080P NVR Camera System, NVR Full HD 1080P, 1080P Wireless NVR