Five techniques to prevent and cure vegetables in the greenhouse

Root retting at the seedling stage of greenhouse vegetables is a physiological disease, mostly caused by improper management. Rust spots appear on the roots at the beginning of the disease. In severe cases, the roots rot and do not grow new roots. The seedlings turn yellow and wilt, and all die in the later stage.

Keep the temperature The bed soil preparation should be reasonable, and sufficient soil temperature should be ensured after sowing to the seedling stage. In case of rainy days and insufficient light, measures for temperature increase and heat preservation should be taken. Autumn and winter seedlings are raised in sheds (rooms) with electric heating beds to facilitate heat preservation.

When the seedlings are grown in protected areas such as greenhouses or greenhouses, the seedbed is generally not watered when it is not obviously dry (the topsoil will not be scattered), and water should be watered as little as possible or not; watering should not be too much when it is obviously dry Big. The seedbed should be dry rather than wet. If the seedbed is too dry, it can be covered with moist fine soil, which can alleviate the water demand of the seedlings and reduce the air humidity in the seedbed.

Increase the light. Before nursery seedlings, choose a place with sufficient light to build a seedbed. This is conducive to the healthy growth and development of seedlings, enhances their disease resistance, and reduces the occurrence or spread of retting in the seedling stage of vegetables.

Timely ventilation After the cotyledons are unfolded, choose sunny and warm weather to uncover the cover for ventilation, and evenly spread a layer of fine dry soil into the seedbed, and then cover the cover tightly, which can reduce the humidity of the bed soil and increase the temperature. effect.

Applying rooting agent Take 50 ml of rooting agent and dilute it 10-20 times, mix it in 50 kg nutrient soil or 4-5 square meters seedbed and then sown, which can promote seed germination, uniform emergence, and no weak seedlings. Use in the seedling stage: in the seedling stage, that is, after 2 leaves and 1 heart, irrigate or spray 5-10 kg of rooting agent 30 times per square meter of seedbed, which can obviously promote the elongation and thickening of the main roots, the occurrence of more lateral roots, and strengthen the root system Vigor and absorption strength, avoid rotten roots and form strong seedlings.

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