Prevention and treatment of lotus root mantle and Spodoptera litura

Lotus root worms are food root worms, which mainly harm roots and lotus roots. Spodoptera litura mainly damages leaves, flowers and young lotus roots. Both pests are larvae damaging lotus roots. Earthworms usually occur in the first four months of April, Spodoptera litura breeding in multiple generations from June to August. The symptoms of mantle damage are blackened roots, black spots on the victim's body, yellowish lotus leaves, and slow fertility. Spots of Spodoptera litter can be eaten by the leaves. The photosynthesis and nutrient production and accumulation of the leaves are greatly constrained. Therefore, prevention and control must be carried out as soon as possible. The prevention and control of the mantle should be carried out in sections. The first step is to eliminate the water contained in the paddies before the lotus root sprouts. Use 50% phoxim granules or 3% carbofuran granules. The dosage is 2.5-3 kg per acre. Thirty kilograms are sprinkled on the surface of the earth and then turned into the earth with a gum. Secondly, when planting, 50 kilograms of lime are applied per acre. Third, when the adult is at its peak, 90% of the crystal trichlorfon 100-150 grams per acre is used. 10 kg of fine soil was spread in the early morning. Spodoptera litura control, first, the use of larval clustering, picking eggs and larvae when the larvae are newly hatched; Second, the larvae at the beginning of the period with 50% phoxim emulsion 500 times, or 80% of dichlorvos emulsion 800-1000 times Liquid, or 2.5% Kung Fu Emulsion 4000 times spray.

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