Precautions for planting walnuts in autumn

1. It is advisable to plant walnut trees sooner rather than later in autumn. The earlier the planting, the higher the ground temperature, the better the healing of walnut root wounds and the growth of new roots, and the growth of walnut seedlings in the se ----more

What should I do if the wheat has already appeared pros…

Now that wheat has flourished, it needs to be controlled in time. The measures to control the prosperity are divided into two categories, one is physical suppression, and the other is chemical control. The purpose of suppression is to inhibit the growth of ----more

Technical points of early spring management of mulched …

1. Increase the ground temperature Before garlic enters the greening period, the ground temperature should be increased. The covering on the membrane, such as leaves, crop stalks, dead garlic leaves or dust, etc., should be removed as soon as possible to i ----more

Management of greenhouse celery after planting

Greenhouse celery has a longer seedling period and generally takes 2 to 3 months. When the seedling grows to 10 cm high and 7-8 true leaves, it can be colonized. Before the planting, the soil was applied with 6000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer and 50 kg of diammonium phosphate. The deep e ----more

The winter management of fruit trees should focus on th…

Fruit trees consume a lot of nutrients in their full fruit period. After the winter, these fruit trees have entered the period of deciduous leaves, full-bodied branches, and deep differentiation of flower buds. If you want good fruit quality and high yield ----more

Picking the fruit without forgetting to manage the gard…

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is the critical period of fruit picking. At present, apples and oranges in most areas of our country have entered the fruit-picking period. Fruit farmers are also managing the orchard during the busy period of fruit-pic ----more

How to save Chinese medicine

Summer temperatures are high, humidity is high, and the phenomenon of moldiness and insect infestation of Chinese herbal medicines is common. In particular, pastes, pills, etc. are usually added with honey, so insects are particularly recommended. The following points require special attention: ----more